Watch sex videos is not new hi to our community, very few people can refrain from masturbation or masturbation after watching sex videos.
Unfortunate habit of watching these videos most people find very young and usipokua attention to this practice will make you very bad psychologically.
The habit of masturbation is now open to gender i.e. women and men japokua has grown affecting more men because of their nature.
But many do in secret and hide to wasijulikane and others. Many young people are watching these videos as they are hiding themselves in the room, especially at night.
Watch sex videos there are various effects and psychological health. Here are some of the effects you can find them if you look very sexual video.
Out of desire for sexual intercourse and impotence
Looking very sex videos makes you come to be defeated by a woman or a man, sex videos are very good men and women who are as a cause of various surgery to increase buttocks and breasts, even men performed surgery to increase penis so looking woman would desire greater penis like that or a man who is watching will crave a woman like that in normal circumstances only.
Now men who view pornography videos can not be excited or activate the penis even an ordinary woman passing nudity and this may affect their relationship and appear to have no strong sperm as they depend on the video to activate the penis.
Masturbation or masturbation too
Sex videos are women and men differently, every good video that you watch will go to masturbation while pondering her men or woman. This will make ujichue even ten times per day if you are looking from time to time. Out of impotence, to forget, to fail to give a woman pregnant, tired and arrive quickly at the time of the Act of marriage is one of the main side effects of masturbation.
Permanent failure in relationships
Watch sex videos makes you look to satisfy yourself and your partner even want to sleep and you grow up you don't want anymore. But even for young people who are in relationships find they grow too timid to pursue women or seeing the cause of growing up to interaction. As well as men fail to appease their partners and women appear tired every day.
Start having sex that is not normal
Recently a large number of women are growing up being concerned and will against nature. This has caused so much and watching sex videos and see is something normal when it contains a lot of harm. Women who used to cut back even if they are married continues to be done by foreign men especially if men who marry have never engaged in such behavior. Other kinds of sex that are babishwa to look at these videos is homosexual, lesbian, or a woman to sleep with more than one male or male to sleep with more than one female at a time.
It is possible that you can read here this character already has hurt you so much now and you are unable to quit, there are basic things you can do in order to stop watching these videos.
Remove all tools to watch these videos
If you have a computer (computer), or delete all video phone, delete site (website) all videos that you use to watch. Some people are in the groups to be sending WhatsApp videos sex, leave absolutely there for you is corrupt.
Start exercising
It is the only exercise that may cause a person to renounce all behavior that is not normal that he grew he made back period. When you exercise you will use a lot of power, and your body will be tired and sleep. As well as practical guide hukuepusha and sit without any activity.
Jijengee habit of sitting with your friends too long or do other activities that will kazokuweka ' busy '
If you have a habit of watching these videos, then make a plan to be doing other things long is growing if you look at these videos, including reading books or talking with people. This will help you to forget those videos and to stop completely.
Get professional advice and treatment
You can see a professional psychological counselling to help you advice how to do in order to avoid such behavior. If you've had health effects, see health professionals especially fertility issues in order to advise on how to treat your problem.
Build relationships with your partner
This will help you to think he's more sex videos and also where you find the ham to sex then hutoogopa telling him to do. Have your partner close and takujengea confidence and grow your relationships.