Ikulu Yajibu Acacia Kuhusu Mchanga wa Madini..

Ikulu Yajibu Acacia Kuhusu Mchanga wa Madini..

Uamuzi wa serikali kuhusu suala la kusafirisha mchanga wa madini kwenda nje ya nchi utategemea ripoti ya kamati ya pili iliyoundwa na Rais M...
Fahamu Maana ya Ndoto zinazohusu Nyoka....!!!

Fahamu Maana ya Ndoto zinazohusu Nyoka....!!!

NDOTO NA NYOKA Maana yake:- Ndoto za Nyoka zinaashiria mtoto wa kiume, mtu asiyekuwa na heshima, Adui, mali iliyofichwa, ushirikina, mabadil...
Mechi la Juve na Madrid kuchezwa huku Paa la Uwanja Likiwa Limefungwa kuhofia Mabomu ya Kujitoa Muhanga ya Islamic State....!!

Mechi la Juve na Madrid kuchezwa huku Paa la Uwanja Likiwa Limefungwa kuhofia Mabomu ya Kujitoa Muhanga ya Islamic State....!!

 Paa la Uwanja wa Taifa wa Wales litafungwa kwa sababu za kiusalama wakati wa fainali ya Ligi ya Mabingwa itakayofanyika mjini Cardiff. Mash...
True Life Story of Mercy Johnson.....!!!!

True Life Story of Mercy Johnson.....!!!!

From Rags To Riches. I am like the girl next door. Most people know me as Mercy Johnson but did not bother to find out about the Ozioma aspe...
Celine Dion Sings hit Song from new'Beaty and the Beast' remake in Las Vegas, May 27, 2017,9:22 Am.

Celine Dion Sings hit Song from new'Beaty and the Beast' remake in Las Vegas, May 27, 2017,9:22 Am.

Celine Dion sings hit song from new 'Beauty and the Beast' remake in Las Vegas May 27, 2017, 9:22 AM ABC News' Adrienne Bankert ...
Hillary Clinton attacks Proposed Trump budget cuts as 'cruelty'

Hillary Clinton attacks Proposed Trump budget cuts as 'cruelty'

VALERIE VANDE PANNE WELLESLEY, MASS. REUTERS Hillary Clinton assailed the man who beat her to the White House, slamming as "unimaginabl...

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