Fortunately, women have 5 locations which enables you to hear the sweetness of different sex and men. The most popular section is the clitoris and G spot but there is another place called DIE which is at quite the womanhood as well as the walls of the vagina without forgetting the beginning of womanhood.
A woman may find sweetness of this sacred practice in all areas that if his girlfriend knows responsibility, not sex for a long time but also know how to play with his penis. Along with his arrogance also you woman you should be open and free to lead if anonymous or kagusa kapatia Crest sweetness. Sweetness of all parts that are different and you are diana between one woman and another.
Let's now look at the different sections of the
sweetness of sex for women.
Clitoris Female finds sweetness of kisimini through the scoured, crocodile, tampering with tongue, finger or head of the penis. The sweetness of this location is found quickly and does not covet again practice for some time (from 3 – 15 minutes) and touched again can give a woman some pain. Some women are unable to continue
again and once tampered with
clitoris. G-spot Sweetness of this place is very strong and most women ever run out nguvukwa long as they touched this area. The power lasts 20 minutes – 45 back, and if they return the desire does not live. So when you are using your partner can continue the game and force back then and you are going to find another goal.
The beginning of feminine Sweetness of this place is not mpotezea female desire, for she does not reach its peak but I feel a certain sweetness. So a woman can reach the top, a man should give penis deeper so he could touch the G-Spot area and the walls of the vagina.
The walls of the vagina Sweetness of this area is available from the beginning the penis was inserted, and as long as you continue to deal so sweet you are on the rise and eventually find a woman if he reached the top. At the end of the vagina (the birth canal near) Sweetness of this area are found if your partner's penis will touch the end of the vagina. Usually the woman hears certain pain when touched this area but at the same time badoanapenaendelee and sometimes are able to ask his partner to do it by force. Also a woman can bleed if he touched the area. Oh Lady, be sure to allow your partner to get there if you trust, you are in a permanent relationship, pure health and ready to be a mom if your partner will slide and leave little for this area is quite the door way.